Version 7.2 – Infusionsoft File Uploads and Other Goodies


The Infusionsoft Contact FileBox has always been a feature that in theory is really cool. You can have quotes there, or resumes, or pics… whatever! However in practice, there was no way to actually get files in there without you, the owner of the APP, having to do it yourself.

Well that’s no good! Over the years a few roundabout solutions have been clapped together, including he notable attempts of Plus This and the Novak team. But all of them fell short because what people really wanted was a File Upload Feature that was present with a Web Form.

Well… it’s HERE! There is no complicated setup, I took care of that for you. All you have to do is add the file upload feature to ANY web form and you’re done. You do not have to create any custom fields, you do not have to create any HTTP posts, you do not have to write any code, you do not have to create any secondary forms or anything of that sort. It just works 🙂 To see how to set it up, see the documentation.

In other news, user data is now stored in a SESSION variable as apposed to cookies in case of an browser attack. Security is important! This however, will mean that data will be lost as soon as the client has been off your site for about 30 minutes, and forms will no longer auto populate unless they come from an email with information attached or submit another form.

Hidden fields can now bu used to create redirects. In case you wanted that.

That’s about it.


  • Error with redirect search query not replace redirect params with empty space
  • Inline Radio button option not actually showing radio buttons inline


  • File Uploads
  • Hidden Fields work with the redirect Creator
  • Contact info saved to sessions
  • Regardless of which page you send contact information to, it will save it to a session to be stored later.


  • Contact info saved to cookies





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