Version 5.8


The goal for this update was twofold. First, add the ability to carry user data around a site, so if a person filled in a form on one page, their info would be auto filled everywhere else on the website. And two, have a reliable, working, intuitive system for redirecting to different thank-you pages based on form input.


  1. Cookie User Data: User data will be cookied throughout a user’s session when they either fill in a web form or if information is passed to the page via a link, such as in an Infusionsoft email.
  2. Auto-population rules: If you want to turn of auto-population, or change the instances in which it occurs, you can do so in the settings area.
  3. Conditional Redirect Maker: You can now easily make redirects based upon radio button selections or drop-down field selections.
  4. New Style Option: Input placeholder color


  1. Forms will auto-populate based on cookied data.


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